We've had our first succesful Bunny Litter. As you may know this is the beginning of our small backyard farm...We are raising Meat Rabbits for home consumption. We have spent the last year building cages and raising the three Does and Buck to a good breeding age and weight...We have planted Rabbit friendly gardens and pots for Xtra forage and treats. With the cooler temperatures here we decided it was time...to Breed!
WELCOME TO BUNNYVILLE....a work in progress
Bunnyville |
Upcycled colorful Concrete walkway! |
Buck's Hut! |
Moving on to our first litters!
Oreo was our first pregnant doe. She kindled 6 small kits. They were so hidden within the nesting tunnel and hay, that I overlooked three that were still born. That first litter didn't go well at all. I had made long nesting tunnels coming off the backside of the Does Chalet in an attempt for a more natural birthing experience. They ended up being very hard to inspect, and retained moisture due to the solid plywood construction. Here in Florida the Fire Ants are brutal and they sniff death out in no time. They invaded the nest and we lost the entire litter....it was very sad.....

Cinnamon was the next in line and she was due within days. It was a scramble to remake and redo nesting tunnels and boxes. I removed the nesting tunnels, and created new removable nesting boxes with wire bottoms for better air circulation. Then Buck had to be moved to a new smaller resort and Cinnamon settled into Buck's quarters, where she had been staying as of late because of some abuse she was taking from the other Does...I Got the new nesting Box in at about 9:00am on Friday March 1st, and by 11:00am she had kindled....shew that really cut it close. We have 7 little popples all checked and appear very healthy! The craziest thing happens when you uncover the kits from Mom's fur in the nest.

They pop! Yes they all start popping around like pop-corn....funniest thing ever! Mom doesn't sit on her kits like alot of animals, but only goes in once a day to feed them and that is usually in the dead of night. A nice rounded belly is a good sign they are infact being fed. Another funny tidbit in Rabbit breeding....When the buck and doe "hook-up" you know there is success, when the Buck faints (appears to) and falls off on his side! Is Our God funny or what!
ears and feet everywhere! |
snuggled nice and warm in Mama's fur |
One kit with dutch like markings |
My Husband, Dave and I built a great Romping Room for the bunnies! Upcycled the old Trampoline frame with chicken wire.....It gives the kids and us a place to get in with the bunnies while they are all hanging out together! They seem to like the exercise and nibbling on the grass! How much fun will that be with a bunch of baby bunnies hopping around!
I got a bit sidetracked since last summer....I hope to get back on track blogging more now that things are booming around here....babies are popping up everywhere.
We have baby Cocaktiels in the nest and some fledging soon.
Sugar and six babies! |
Two grays....their sibling already fedged |
We have our summer garden planted up too with baby veggies!
and of course the Rabbits are finally....well..... breeding like rabbits :) So more to come!
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.
If we all did this....what a wonderful place the world would be......I feel closest to God when I sit amongst his creation in awe.....I love this world he has created for me to play in!
It's Spring soon....Spread some seed!